Documentation / FAQ / Attributes

Is there a list of attributes with a predefined meaning for the graph viewer ?

Yes. A few:

  • x for the abscissa of nodes (a float value).
  • y for the ordinate of nodes (a float value).
  • z for the depth of nodes (a float value).
  • xy for the 2D position of nodes (pass two float values).
  • xyz for the 3D position of nodes (pass three float values). It is a good idea to always use xyz.
  • ui.label for node, sprite and edge labels. Setting this attribute will display the text on the node or edge according to the style sheet and text visibility modes.
  • ui.color for node, sprite and edge color interpolation when the style defines at least two colors. The value must be a real number between 0 and 1. The style must define at least two fill colors and the fill mode must be dyn-plain, for example : node { fill-mode: dyn-plain; fill-color: red, blue; }. In this example, if the ui.color value is 0 the node will be red, if the value is 1 the node will be blue and if the value is 0.5 the node will be a mix of the two, some kind of purple.
  • for node, edge and sprite styling. This merges the style to the actual style sheet.
  • ui.stylesheet for graph styling. Each new addition or change of this attribute will merge the style definitions to the actual style sheet. To completely clear the style, remove this attribute from the graph.
  • ui.hide to hide a node, edge or sprite (only its presence is tested, not its value).
  • ui.quality to enable slower but better rendering.
  • ui.antialias to enable anti-aliasing of shapes drawn by the viewer.
  • ui.screenshot for graphs, to quickly take a screen shot of the viewer. The value must be the name of a the image file you want to save. Once the screen shot has been saved, the attribute is automatically removed. For example graph.setAttribute("ui.screenshot", "/some/place/image.png");.