Documentation / Algorithms / Spanning-tree

Base for spanning tree algorithms

The result is stored in an edge attribute which name is defined by flagAttribute and value is flagOn if the edge is in the tree or flagOff if not.

Creating a spanning tree algorithm

Spanning tree algorithms have to extend this class and to implements the makeTree() method. edgeOn(Edge) and edgeOff(Edge) methods have to be used to properly tag edge.

A call to compute reset the values of edges attribute. Then a call to makeTree() is done.

Highlight the spanning tree in viewer

Using the CSS, it is possible to highlight the spanning tree result using classes. Considering two css edge classes have been defined in the CSS, for example:

edge .in {
	size: 3px;
	fill-color: black;

edge .notin {
	size: 2px;
	fill-color: gray;

You can tell the algorithm to set up the value of the “ui.class” attribute of edges to “in” when the edge is in the tree or “notin” when edge is not in the tree.

This can be done by setting the flagAttribute of the algorithm using the setter setFlagAttribute(String) and the flag values flagOn and flagOff with setFlagOn(Object) and setFlagOff(Object) setters.

 Graph graph = ...;
 AbstractSpanningTree sp = ...;